Here are some tips to think about as you prepare for the wedding day!
Practice the kiss with your partner! Talk through how you envision your first kiss to occur at the end of your ceremony. Without having that conversation (and then practicing what you decide to do), it could get kind of weird – perhaps one of you wants to dip the other, one of you wants a very grandma-friendly type of kiss, or one of you wants something romantic and sensual.
Have comfortable shoes to change into later! No matter how comfy those shoes are (for brides and/or grooms), your feet with start to hurt as the wedding day goes on. Even if you choose flats or tennis shoes, your feet could still hurt after wearing those shoes for 10+ hours! Find some comfy ballet shoes, flip-flops, or whatever suits you so you can continue to dance the night away in comfort! And, be sure to share this tip with those VIPs at your wedding – parents, wedding party members, etc. At my daughter’s wedding, I changed from sparkly heels to sparkly flip-flops after cocktail hour and was soooooooo glad I did!
Baby wipes are your new best friend! Most brands of baby wipes can take care of almost any mess. Be sure to have some on hand to scoop up, right away, that appetizer that just got dropped on your attire or to wipe away that scuff mark a wedding party member just got on their shoe!
Don’t wear heels for your rehearsal – unless you wear heels often! These days, not many of us wear high heels in our daily lives (since many are working remotely and wearing pretty casual attire!), so if that describes your daily life, don’t wear heels to your rehearsal. You will be on your feet at the rehearsal and most likely, a fair amount at the rehearsal dinner, and even the welcome party! Be comfortable!! You don’t want to start off the wedding day with sore and tired feet.
Take off your dress to use the restroom. Depending on your dress, yes, this may be way too complicated, but if you can, take it off for those few minutes. Wedding dresses are usually pretty heavy, so lifting it up so you can take care of business can be really hard to do! And, always have someone go with you to the restroom to help you!
For more tips and tricks for your wedding day, please contact me!!
Featured photo by Eric Stocklin Photography